
Are you looking for a truly effective body treatment? We've been there! We looked for firming, soothing and nourishing products all over South Korea, until we found the perfect body products. Here are the best lotions, gels, masks and essences — yes, body essences — to treat different skin concerns.

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Travel Kit Green

Travel dental kit with Tiger Leaf toothpaste


Travel Kit Red

Travel dental kit with Fluoride toothpaste


Travel Kit Blue

Travel dental kit with Gray Salt toothpaste


Rose Citron Toothpaste

Toothpaste with Korean gray salt and menthol lemon flavor

100 g
30 g

Select a Size

100 g
Rose Citron Toothpaste
100 g 100 g
30 g 30 g
Miin's Boutiques

Our Korean Cosmetics Stores
